Monday, March 2, 2009

Case of the Mondays

"Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays."
-- Office Space movie

I can totally relate to the character in Office Space who had a case of the "Mondays." After engaging the creative side of my brain all weekend, it really needs a jumpstart today! So I'm starting with coffee and we'll go from there.

I slept like a rock last night! I'd have to say the best part about going away is coming home -- if that makes sense. The guys got along just fine without me. Carter had a friend over Saturday and went to his house on Sunday. I asked if he played video games (his Lenten resolution) and he said, "Yes, but Dad said he'd pay for the weekend!" Hmm, I didn't know we could make others "pay" for our sins. I might have to look into that. Glad he had a fun weekend anyway.

Since the calendar is turned over to March, that also means our Streaking competition has come to an end. Jim and I were picking sports games on against another couple for the month of February. Jim and I won -- thanks in part to my 57 wins and my long streak of 8! At stake was a round of golf and dinner (coming soon, we hope). Next we'll have the boys against the girls. But that won't start until later this month. So I'll take a break from obsessing over curling matches and European soccer.

I'm hoping my work week will be as productive as my weekend (Did I mention I completed 46 pages? That's a camp record for me.) But it's not starting good. Maybe it's this coffee. It needs a pile of peanut butter M&M's next to it or something. Hey, it worked this weekend...

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