Thursday, March 26, 2009

If My Head Weren't Attached...

This week is just buzzing by! Last night, after work and meetings and dinner, I didn't get home until about 9:30 p.m. I managed to get the Tooth Fairy duties out of the way but also managed to forget to call my mother on her birthday. And, somewhere in between, managed not to notice for half an hour that hubby got the painting done around the living room window. I swear, if my head wasn't attached...

The good news is that we finished our "summit" at work today so I had normal "get home" hours. Jim had to go to a coaches' meeting for baseball so I drew the short straw and had to take Carter to the school carnival.

At first we weren't sure he deserved to go after blowing two tests this week. But I relented anyway since his spring break (which is now officially started) will not hold much fun for him as we go to work and pawn him off at the babysitter's every day. So we went to school.

He's at the age where he wants to hang out with friends so I was relieved my neighbor was there so I had someone I knew to talk to. I also met the parents of some boys who see Carter at the bus stop every morning. She said her boy, either 4 or 5 years old, really looks up to Carter. "Carter is really good with him," she said. "You should be proud of him."

I guess it was worth going to hear that! Now I just need someone to call my mom and say that about me so she forgives me for misplacing her birthday from the calendar in my mind! Any volunteers?

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