Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mind Tricks

I don't believe in magic, but I do believe there are ways those so-called magicians trick our eyes into seeing something that isn't there -- or usually not seeing something that is there.

Our eyes can be funny things. So many times, I will see a sunrise or full moon and think I'm seeing a record-size sphere. But then, when I take a picture with a camera lens -- that just sees an object for what it is -- it looks so much smaller. Today's picture was taken on the drive in. I thought I was seeing this gigantic sun rising over the trees, but there's nothing too unusual about it after all. It was just my mind's perception. Makes me wonder what else is not what it seems.

This week we got letters from the school district announcing the scores for the Wisconsin Knowledge Concepts Examinations that took place in the fall for grades 3-8 and 10. These standardized tests -- we called them "achievement tests" back in the day -- are designed to measure Wisconsin academic standards. Student performance on these assessments is reported in proficiency categories and used to determine the adequate yearly progress of students at the school, district and state levels. The scoring areas range, lowest to highest, from minimal performance to basic, then proficient and advanced.

We weren't surprised at Carter's scores. They were proficient or advanced and he did especially well in math -- just like we've seen on his report cards.

The surprise came yesterday when we got Clay's in the mail. First we were surprised he was actually in school for the testing since his attendance this year was sporadic at best. Our biggest surprise, however, was his scores. They ranged in the proficient and advanced areas, too! Through all this truancy nightmare, we've always said he's a bright kid. But if he doesn't go to school and doesn't do his homework, then his report cards don't reflect that. Naturally, we're very pleased he is still learning and understanding. He's got potential! It's just been disguised under the rapper clothes, mohawk and teenage boy attitude.

I guess life is like today's sunrise. What we see and what we get may be two different things. Maybe the "altered" view from our mind's eye is God's way of giving us nice surprises now and then. If that's magic, then I'm a believer after all.

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