Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Alumni Book: $84; Finding Friends: Priceless

If you've ever Googled yourself on the Internet, it's interesting to see what comes up. I was surprised when I did this this morning that the first 5 entries or so were actually me. But then you get to someone who has the same name as you and you could be an inspirational speaker in Texas or a writer in New Zealand or maybe in jail somewhere.

In some ways we think there is so much information out there in cyberspace, but it can be a challenge, too. I have had a devil of a time locating old high school and college girlfriends because a good portion of them no longer go by their maiden names. If I Google myself using my maiden name, I am nowhere to be found.

Earlier this winter I jumped at the opportunity to purchase an up-to-date alumni directory from UW-La Crosse. Yes, it was pricey, but since I hadn't given anything to the foundation in years, I justified the expense. I figured it would be worth it just to find an old roommate or friend I'd lost touch with.

In the meantime, I have connected with a few college friends (my old newspaper buddies) through Facebook. So I was really getting anxious to see the book.

The big hardcover arrived late last week and I'm happy to say it has indeed paid off. The first person I looked up was Sue, my roommate sophomore year. Jackpot! She was in there. (Under a married name I wouldn't have found.) So was her email! This week, we have been sneaking moments at work to email back and forth, sharing family info and catching up. It's awesome!

I met Sue my freshman year. She was just a few doors down in the residence hall (there was this movement not to call them "dorms.") She was a Bears fan but I still thought she was cool. Maybe we bonded because the Packer fans didn't like Bears or Vikings fans. Who knows?

One memory I think about this time of year is spring break of '87. All the party girls on our floor were heading to Florida. Not to be left out, Sue invited me home with her and we went "south" to Cedarburg (north of Milwaukee). The highlights included my very first trip to Chicago and some snowmobiling (but after I fell off, I swore that off for the rest of the week). The picture up top is of our spring break snowman -- complete with shades and Coppertone sunscreen. It was cold, yes, but we were young college girls so why not wear shorts in the snow and pretend we're on a beach?!

I don't know that either one of us has completely outgrown our wild side, but I'm sure it's tempered now that we are both finding that motherhood is better than anything a college degree could do for us. That's when I know that a lot has changed besides our last names.

But yet, we fall into conversation like we just saw each other yesterday. I guess that's the beauty of friendship. That's what makes these reconnections priceless.

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