Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Good Answer

As parents, we try not to put work (or anything else for that matter) before our children. But sometimes it just happens. We get a busy spell on a special project or big deadline and we unintentionally give our job first billing.

This week I am involved in a "innovation summit" which kept me away from my desk all day yesterday. It was then followed by a "trade show" after hours for employees. I could have done a dinner thing after that, too, but hubby and I decided it wasn't worth it to drive separately just so I could stay for a meal and schmooze. Plus, his parents were kind enough to pick up Carter after school to watch him so we didn't want to make it a late night for them.

By the time we picked him up, it was almost 8 p.m. and there was a flurry of activity at Grandma and Grandpa's. While my mother-in-law was asking me if I liked her new carpet, my father-in-law was telling us what Carter ate for supper and Carter was mentioning in there something about losing a tooth.

By the time we got home, I just wanted to get to bed since we went into to work so early. I completely forgot about that tooth until Carter comes into the dining room this morning and announces that the Tooth Fairy forgot to come. Oh crap. Since Carter is sleeping in the spare room in the basement during this window project, I made up some excuse about the Tooth Fairy not being able to find him.

But Daddy topped that answer. I heard him tell Carter, "Maybe the Tooth Fairy is on a furlough."

"What does that mean?" asked Carter.

"He was probably forced to take time off because of these tough economic times," Daddy explained.

Wow, good answer! I'm guessing the furlough better end tonight, though. Unless we (as in me) forget again. Then we'll have to say his job was totally eliminated or something. You just never know in these tough economic times...

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