Saturday, March 28, 2009

Fuel Efficient

I managed to get out of the house and to the library when it opened at 9 this morning -- nothing short of a miracle on a Saturday. I snagged a cushy booth in the corner of the library "coffeehouse" area and was able to hook up to their Internet (and electricity). I had a moment of freaking-out-ness when I couldn't log onto the work server, but after trying many user names and passwords (I'd be a terrible hacker), I figured out a logical solution. Then I was good to go.

The last few days, I've had a cold or allergies or something that's equated to a runny nose. So I brought a stack of tissues and decided that I was going to stay at the library until it closed at 5 or I finished the section I was working on or I ran out of snot rags, whichever came first. Fortunately, I finished up the section a half tissue before running out, so I was able to leave a little before 5. I felt great! It was a productive day -- plus a fuel efficient one. I saved our car an extra trip to Iola!

I picked up pizza on the way home, ate quick and headed back into town to pick up my mother-in-law. We went joined my sister-in-law at Assumption High School to see the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. (Our nephew was manning one of the spotlights.) I have heard about this play for years and years but never took the time to see it. The students did an excellent job telling the story through song and dance. Very cool.

While I was hanging out with hubby's family, he and Carter had a guys' night out and went to the movie Monsters Vs. Aliens. Jim says they both give it a thumbs up -- but Carter was sound asleep by the time I got home. Sounds like a good idea to me. I need to consume some more "fuel" for tomorrow!

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