Sunday, March 1, 2009

All Scrapped Out

I'm home sweet home now after an awesome weekend at Camp Crop-A-Lot! First rule in the house is there is no whining -- no matter how tired I am or how sore my back is. Only positive, grateful words about my weekend away. And I'm OK with that because I am very excited -- and positive -- about what I accomplished.

This year, we were allowed to arrive earlier on Friday instead of waiting for a 6 o'clock check-in. Since I took the day off, I was up in Rosholt at the Lions Camp, had my bed set up in the cabin and was in my chair in the dining hall scrapping by 2 p.m.! I stayed up until about 1 a.m. Friday night and it took me awhile to get the creative juices flowing on Saturday. (Rough night sleeping in a sleeping bag on those 3-inch thick mattresses!) I found coffee and peanut butter M&M's are a good energy mix.

My main goal for the weekend was to complete my 2007 family memories book. I got that done at 9 p.m. Saturday to a cheering crowd (we're weird that way). I was so motivated then that I decided to get cruising on the 2008 book.

About 2 a.m. Saturday night/Sunday morning, I was still up and scrapping. Quite a few of us were. I wasn't even that tired but knew waking up this morning would be pretty tough if I didn't get to bed. How did I ever manage to stay out until bar time on the weekends back in the day?! I am too old for that kind of schedule!

I was asleep by 3 a.m. and up with the cabin crowd before 8. Yikes. I gulped at least 3 cups of coffee to get my mojo going. I wasn't even hungry. I think I ate enough Saturday to keep me going for a day or two. A whole lotta snacking going on! So without eating breaks today, I managed to get through April of 2008 before it was time to pack up. I'm very pleased with the progress.

And even more pleased to show off the book to hubby and Carter. They might think this scrapping thing is a cult, but they enjoy seeing the finished work of art.

Of course, now comes the fun part of unpacking all the scrapping supplies and organizing them. But not today. This body's just waiting for the sun to set so I can call it a day and get some sleep on a warm, comfy mattress. In fact, I probably should go turn on my blanket now. Scrap -- I mean Sweet -- Dreams!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Bynski! You do such awesome work. I wish I had a 1/4th of the energy and creativity you have. I would think your mind would be mentally drained by the time you get off work and you still have those creative juices flowing in the evening. Can't wait to see your books. Lenesker