Monday, March 23, 2009

Faster than the Speed of...

Just catchin' a breather here. It seems like Mondays get here way too fast and the day itself flies by as we catch up from not being at work over the weekend.

I'm still a bit tired today, though hubby is actually the one who did all the driving Up North and back yesterday. Of course, with our standing rule that the driver gets to pick the radio stations, I think he was OK with it (especially since we were driving through Classic Country musicland).

I have to give Carter credit for sticking to his Lenten pledge to not play video games. That's tough for 8 hours in the car in one day! Instead, he was able to get a whole book read that he needs to test on this week before the end of the quarter. Nice job! On the way home last night, I sat in back for the last few hours so we could watch the Cars movie on DVD. That helped the time go.

This morning we had a bit of rain on the way in but a lot of our co-workers had to deal with ice. Good thing we take the slightly southern route to work. Apparently, that makes a difference!

This week, I'll be participating in a conference of sorts (they call them "summits" these days) so I will have some extra events in the evenings Tuesday and Wednesday, then Thursday night will be Carter's school carnival and a baseball coaching meeting for hubby. Before you know it, it will be Friday!

Isn't that crazy? On a Monday afternoon I can already envision the end of the week? I hope somewhere in there my warp-speed trip slows down so I can get something accomplished!

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