Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sprung Ahead

So we sprung ahead today but right back into winter. But it could have been worse.

We probably got 5 inches of the pretty white stuff but it wasn't an icy mix or blizzard-like conditions, so we just watched it fall and accumulate -- and stayed inside. I figured I'd be out snowblowing now but I obviously didn't look at the long-range forecast. Hubby says it's supposed to be back up to 40 tomorrow so we'll just let it melt. I knew the number 40 was good for something!

Had a fast day today. Got up for Sunday School, stopped at the store to pick up pizzas for the party later and then came home. Hopped on the treadmill for my 30 Lenten minutes (not one second more) and then waited for company to arrive.

We just had Jim's family over (parents and sister's family) for Casey's birthday so it was just enough to fill the house. Gift opening goes pretty fast by the time you're 18. Cards and money, cards and money. Carter did spring for a Pink Floyd T-shirt for Casey, though. I'm pretty sure he wanted it for himself. I think it's a big clue for Mommy and Daddy to get him one for the next holiday (does the Lucky Leprechaun visit on St. Paddy's Day?).

Had some of that tasty Wacky Cake for dessert -- after it took Casey two tries to blow out the candles. (It sucks to get old, man.)

We were thrilled to see it was still light out at 7 p.m. That's the part of Daylight Saving Time I like! We are sort of teased into thinking spring is almost here. My father-in-law reminded me that 9 years ago today we had temps in the 70s. I reminded him that last year it snowed pretty good in mid-April. That winter-spring transition is always a wacky one!

I'm just glad I can finally remember how to change the clock in the car ... without driving off the road!

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