Saturday, March 7, 2009

Springing Ahead

I just got done changing all the clocks for Daylight Saving Time and I wish I could spring ahead to May or June when we have no snow (and tomorrow's storm is way over and done with)! I shouldn't complain. Today was another mild day in central Wisconsin, with temps in the 40s.

I didn't spend a heckuva lot of time outside anyway. After breakfast, I whipped together a Wacky Cake. It's a chocolate cake -- old family recipe. No idea why it's called "wacky." Anyway, Casey, the oldest stepson, turned 18 today and we're having a little party for him tomorrow. He said he wanted a chocolate cake so I was excited to bake a Wacky Cake. Haven't done that in years.

Don't be alarmed. I didn't do the whole Martha Stewart thing and actually make homemade frosting, too. Nope. I just ran into town and picked some up and some pre-made colored frosting, too, to decorate the cake. Nothing spectacular but created with love, so I hope that goes good with ice cream!

Did some cleaning and vacuuming and, after my grocery shopping, went out for a run as long as the roads were clear for a day. That felt surprisingly good. I really can't wait for spring so I can get out more!

We had hoped to get to some high school basketball playoff games today but we had some attitude issues from the pre-teen so that didn't pan out. Our local boys teams did good but the girls lost in their sectional final. Hopefully we'll get to see some of the action next week, depending where they travel next (and of course, dependent on the weather).

We're supposed to get 5-8 inches of snow tomorrow, starting probably right after Sunday School and getting heavier throughout the afternoon. Hopefully the in-laws and birthday boy can still make it over. I'd hate to have the party without them. Probably not a good thing if a person eats too much Wacky Cake!

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