Thursday, April 22, 2010

In Focus

It took the whole ride to and from work, but I did get through the operator's manual for my new camera. Now I can zoom in on Sylvester's pretty face and take pictures! Yay!

The rest of my thoughts, though, are clearly out of focus...

Earth Day: Today is Earth day. It should be a good reminder to consider the resources we are preserving and those we are wasting. I personally find it hard to remember a time before recycling! It's second nature now so I feel guilty when I am somewhere and it is not available. Really? I can just throw my aluminum can in your garbage? That feels weird.

Tornado Awareness: I accidentally participated in a tornado drill at the high school in Iola today. The fitness center is part of the school building so we share locker room facilities. I had just finished working out and was going to the hit the showers when the alarm when off. We "grown-ups" had been warned about it and told we didn't have to participate. Well it's kind of hard not to participate when the "shelter area" is the girls locker room! As a crowd started to gather, I just clutched my towel and was glad the tornado didn't blow it away! (Also glad it was just a shelter for girls!)

Who Dat?: It is also the NFL draft day. Weird. It's usually on the weekend and hubby gets together with friends and it becomes a true "event." That's hard to do on a "school night." I have no expectations for the Vikings and their picks (and I'm not staying up late for all the action either). I already know it's going to be a circus the next few months anyway until the Wrangler-wearing grandpa makes up his mind. (By the way, Carter said the other day that if Favre does come back, they should call it the GFL instead of the NFL -- for Grandpa Football League. And I don't think that was meant as a compliment.)

Birthday Blessings: Well, we didn't win the mega Powerball last night so we both had to go to work today. After the conversation I had with the soon-to-be 12-year-old last night, I didn't think we would. We're just over a week away from his birthday so I was fishing for ideas. I told him he probably wasn't going to get a Wii because that's a pretty big gift. So what else does he want or need? Honestly, he couldn't think of anything. His bike is fine, he has a new scooter, he doesn't need clothes, he's got 2 gaming systems, he just got new cleats, he couldn't think of any movies either. "I guess I have everything." I guess you do! (But we'll still come up with something!)

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