Thursday, April 8, 2010

Surprise! (Not Really)

I don't know why I even registered surprise this morning when hubby said it was snowing. It is early April, after all. And we're still in Wisconsin.

We actually didn't get much in the Rapids area at all -- just enough to stick to the grass. On the way to work, though, heading east, we noticed the accumulation grow -- with grass, trees, fields and fences all covered. It was actually kind of pretty. (I can say that since the roads were clear and we had no worries.)

And, that, dear friends, was the excitement for the day.

I'm serious. Pretty close. Had super busy day at work. Picked up Carter. Jim went to baseball tryouts (and still isn't home). Carter and I finally got to watch Hoosiers. (Which he enjoyed!) Then I did some more work and would really like to go to bed but I have to check my fantasy golf lineup.

Yeah, I knew that'd get your attention. I am in the ESPN Masters Challenge with Jim and another couple. So far, with my foursome garnering a -14 today, I am in the lead. But it's a very slim one so now I gotta go do some quick homework and switch things up for tomorrow. Or, maybe decide "why mess with a good thing?" and just go to bed.

I'm liking the sound of that, but there's money on the line... Ah, the things we do when there's snow on the ground and we can't golf for real! Happy Spring!

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