Sunday, April 25, 2010

Royal Event

Today was the Assumption Royal Event -- their annual carnival, auction, food festival, beer tent, craft sale, you name it Event. Part of it also is a 5-mile fun run or walk.

This year we signed all 3 of us to do the walk (since it's an untimed event I figure why kill myself running it!?). The neat thing about the walk is that we can earmark our donation to a non-profit organization. If that group gets the most participants, they can earn extra money from the school, too. So it's for a good cause all around. We helped a friend's scholarship fund and they had great support -- enough to "win" the extra funds. Awesome!

When we woke up and it was pouring rain and 40-some degrees, we were not too enthused about it. Carter also had some stomach issues (starting at 5 a.m.) so he got the "get out of rainy walk free" card. As it turned out, the rain stopped for us anyway. It was a little cool and windy but not bad at all.

Afterwards, we got some good food and tried to find ways to spend money. Ha. I did get some cotton candy for Carter. He can eat that in a day or two when his stomach is all better.

I was so tired when we got home -- probably a combination of not enough sleep and a lot of fresh air -- so I relaxed with Carter awhile and we watched the Iron Man movie. We needed to refresh our memories since Iron Man 2 comes out next week. Can't wait!

After that, I ran into town to get a few things for lunches this week. While I was there, I picked up a Wii. Oh what the heck. No use fretting all week about what we're going to get him, right? Shhhh. Keep it a secret, though! And if anyone is looking for a gift idea, cash or Wal-Mart gift cards are fine. He's going to have to spring for a second controller. (Isn't that crazy they only include one? Oh well, I knew that going into this.)

I better sign off. He keeps finding reasons to come into the computer room and I don't want him seeing my blog. I've got 6 days to keep my mouth shut! Now that's a Royal Event!

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