Saturday, April 10, 2010

'Tis the Season

Besides the Egg (Treat) Hunt, one of the activities that was a part of our Easter celebration last Saturday was an "unscramble the word" puzzle created by my mother.

She had 25 words (or 2-word phrases) associated with either Easter or Spring. I had to laugh when one of the answers was Rummage Sales. But I found out today people definitely have "spring fever" for their sales.

Carter's babysitter has multiple families contribute goods to her annual sale, always held in early April. Sometimes there's snow. Sometimes it's freezing. Sometimes it's raining. Sometimes it's even sunny. Always there are customers. Lots of them.

It was very encouraging that on the second day of the sale we saw about as much traffic and transactions as yesterday. I'm sure the nice weather both days really helped! I was just glad to see a lot of big items I brought get sold, plus most of Carter's toys I hauled over. It will be very nice to fit all my "returns" into one carload.

Of course, when I got home this afternoon and I told Carter what sold, he says, "I still get 15%, right?"

Oh, he's a sly one, isn't he? (By the way, the answer to that was, "No, not 15%.")

The rest of the day was somewhat uneventful. Went to a benefit for the family of one of Carter's classmates whose dad died of cancer last month. Very hard to look at photos of a family with a boy the same age as ours who suddenly doesn't have a father any more. We are so very blessed!

Tonight I took a run and for the first time in 100 days of having to wear my pedometer, I forgot it! So there goes 6,000 steps from that 3-mile stint that won't be registered. Oh poop. As hubby reminded me, though, as long as I know what I did, that's all that matters. True. The health program at work hasn't kicked me out yet!

Later, feeling good about not having some big items like the pool and foos tables taking up space in the basement, I rearranged the game room a bit and threw (actually discarded, yes) a few more items away. Tomorrow when I get to my Saturday chores on Sunday, it'll be all set for me to vacuum, too.

I feel like I accomplished something today! No wonder another Spring word on my mom's list was "housecleaning."

'Tis the season!

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