Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's WINDsday

For some reason Winnie the Pooh has crossed my mind twice this week.

The first time was Saturday. I was looking through my potpourri of paper plates to use for Carter's birthday cake. All of a sudden I open one of the bags and here are the leftover Pooh plates from his first birthday party! And napkins, too! So we just had to use them!

Just goes to show that I was right. I have to save everything because eventually I will use it someday.

Just kidding. I am honestly trying to fight that line of thinking! (As much as possible... even though it did create a nice moment of birthday nostalgia.)

Today I was thinking about Winnie the Pooh and "Winds-Day" in the Hundred Acre Wood. It really has been a windy spring, which is attributing to the dryness. Today I road-tripped to Madison to attend a trade show for work. On the way home, it was so windy we saw several Dust Bowls crossing the Interstate. Scary and weird at the same time. It wouldn't even be a good day to fly a kite or we'd get carried away like Piglet!

I got home in time to get to Carter's baseball scrimmage. As usual, the kids can handle the weather but us moms in the stands whine about the weather. Hey, it was windy and cold. I guess we should feel grateful. Saturday when we have several scrimmages the high is supposed to be something like 48, maybe rain, maybe snow.

Gotta love baseball weather. I just hope next time the wind carries some of our hits to the outfield!

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