Thursday, May 6, 2010

Out of the Office

For the second (and last) day, I rode down to Madison with my boss to attend a trade show where we could introduce one of our online products to potential customers. Not the most exciting time but quite tolerable since we were there and back both days within normal working hours.

Today was a shorter day so I actually got to escort Carter out to the bus stop this morning and was home in time to meet him when he got home from school. That worked out nice. I won't have too many opportunities to do that. Next year for junior high he'll be boarding the bus when we leave for work and getting home hours before us (to do homework, of course).

I did have him do some homework before we ran to Wal-Mart to get a few things for supper (spaghetti, meatballs and cheesy garlic bread). While we were there, we scoped out a few things for Mom for Mother's Day. I'd point out something and say, "Can you remember this for when you and Dad go shopping?" Hey, I'm not selfish here. They wanted ideas, I swear!

Managed to get supper going before Jim got home (just seconds before). Now Carter is taking on Daddy in some Wii game and I'm printing out birthday invites for Carter's upcoming sleepover. We're taking a few boys to Iron Man 2 but I don't know if I want to wait 2 weeks! (Tony Stark may need me now!)

I feel like I have been gone from home for 2 days, too, even though it was just from the office. I probably better get a few things done. Tomorrow morning will be normal alarm time and I haven't missed that at all!

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