Friday, May 28, 2010

TGIFS (Thank God It's Finally Summer)

We're just about knocking on the door to June but today was totally a summer-like day already. And I'm not talking about just the temperatures. Though sunny and 80 is a good place to start!

Other signs it's summer (or close):

Golfing on a Friday morning... Jim had a vacation day today and enjoyed a round of golf at Wisconsin River Country Club with his dad, uncle and their friend. They only golfed 9 holes and he still carded 3 birdies! What a great day to be off!

Summer hours begin at work... I didn't mind being at work too much. One, we had a pre-summer potluck. I made up a great treat recipe. Melt some white almond bark and stir it into Smorz cereal (yes, it exists and it's tasty!). Drop by messy spoonfuls on waxed paper and put in fridge. They'll firm up and be a tasty sweet treat. Today also marked the beginning of "summer hours" at work, which means we get done at 3 p.m. on Fridays from now until Labor Day. Today, that meant getting out at 2 p.m. (just 'cause).

Cool eats... Of course, since it was summer, I had to stop at King Cone on the way home for some Blueberry Waffle Cone ice cream. Well, the car just turned in. I couldn't control it. You know how temperamental that Civic is!

Walking on Sunshine... Got home early enough to record some steps on the pedometer -- and simultaneously work on my tan lines. Summer walks are the best!

Frosty beverages... We had a rare date tonight, too. Sort of. We met some friends downtown at The Bar to celebrate a birthday. I call these guys our "racing friends" because that's where I first got to know them 13 or so years ago. Of course, now that summer is here, we'll see them at the races more often but it was a long winter. Always good to sip some beers and root beers with friends. (By the way, in a late schedule change, Colin did race tonight and finished 2nd in the super stock feature at Golden Sands. That's three 2nds so far this year. Not a bad start at all!)

Circle of friends... As is typical in summer (and winter sometimes), we wrapped up the day around a campfire. This time it was at our neighbors' 3 houses down. It was nice to relax, chit-chat and sit and listen to all the frogs and crickets and lord knows what near their pond. I was just glad the June bugs stayed off me! I can hear them outside the window now. Gross. Not everything about summer is wonderful!

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