Monday, May 3, 2010

Sweet Music

Stop me if you've heard this before... We got the car back from the garage today...

Knock on wood, this better be it! The problem was easily fixed and yes, just a little bit their fault. But it's all good now. They replaced the faulty part and we are back in business with even temperatures under the hood! Yay.

To celebrate, hubby and I went out to eat tonight. Well, it worked out that way. We had to drop Carter off at the junior high and had 90 minutes to kill. So we went to Culver's since it was a fund-raiser night there for my church. It all worked out. They even had Mint Explosion for the flavor of the day. God loves me.

The concert was awesome. It was a Combined Band Concert for the entire Rapids school district, with band members in 6th-12th grades. (I did not bring my camera. I decided to just listen.)

First, all the 6th-grader from the 9 elementary schools played 3 songs together. Carter was among 20 trumpeters. Very cool. Then the 7th, 8th and 9th grade bands played a song each. We were then entertained by the high school drum line -- that rocked -- and the high school band, who played selections from Mamma Mia! I'm telling you, this was my day.

The finale was a song played by all the bands combined. For that, Carter must have been among 100 trumpeters at least. That was loud but awesome!

As a music geek, I am looking forward to many years of concerts like this. It was sweet music to cap off a pretty sweet day!

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