Saturday, May 8, 2010

May Day?

Slept in til after 8 this morning so the snow was mostly melted by then. I guess we got just enough to stick to the grass, trees and deck. It was gone by noon though. That's good, 'cause Carter's soccer game was at 1.

You know what they say, neither rain nor sleet nor snow can stop soccer... or something like that. Today was quite the defensive battle:

Last night we dined with the Jacksons as friends. Today our boys were on opposing teams. Above, Nate and Carter fight for control of the ball.

Nate had some good kicks today, but his team did not score any goals.

Carter had some good kicks today, too. (And a goal attempt here.) But his team did not score any goals either. That's right, we ended in a 0-0 tie. They can do that for rec soccer... thankfully. We certainly didn't want to hang around in the cold for overtime!

The players had rosy cheeks and plenty of layers on. Not too many. They still had to move. During the game, we experienced everything from wind and rain to snow and sunshine. Brrr. Just stinkin' brrr.

Casey was home from UW-Eau Claire this weekend so he stopped to see his baby brother play. I know he had more exciting plans later!

Speaking of excitement... Our kitty was tormented today by some backyard visitors she could see out the picture window -- but couldn't get to.

Here's a squirrel doing its afternoon stretch to eat our bird seeds.

Here's his fat brother, eating from the bottom up. I've heard of "upside margaritas" but not "upside sunflower seeds."

Here's our adorable kitty Sylvester, just watching, thinking, "Squirrels are idiots." Amen, sister.

After all that excitement, I baked some banana bread, made a Jello salad for dinner at the in-laws tomorrow, put lasagna in the oven and convinced Carter to go on a mile walk with me. After supper, we watched the movie The Toothfairy, which we just bought on DVD. Cute movie.

When it was done I caught Daddy playing Wii bowling downstairs. Both he and Carter are up to the Pro level so I know they've been playing it plenty! Good thing to know this was a good gift for all of us! We might do some golfing on there later. That's what a typical May day would be like, right?

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