Monday, December 20, 2010

Faint by Number

I failed to mention that the reason I had all this vacation time at the end of the year is that our paid time off is actually a combination of vacation time plus sick time. So I always save a bunch of days in the event I'm sick or Carter's sick.

Good thing I had today off or I would have had to turn around after a brief start in the office.

I got the call from the school at 8:05 a.m. (It's none of your business if I was still in bed or not.) The first words I hear from the school secretary is "Carter fainted." I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or if this was deja vu all over again.

It was sort of deja vu all over again...

This time, though, Carter wasn't alone. Apparently some girl fainted and then Carter, seeing her pale face, was down for the count, too.

I picked him up and had hoped to return him by midday. He had lots going on today, including a little field trip and a basketball game. He wanted to be in school but he just didn't feel any better. He complained of an upset stomach but that thankfully didn't develop into anything major ... yet.

He went to bed early so hopefully a good night's rest will get him back in the routine for tomorrow -- and braced for a little teasing.

At this rate, I don't even want to take a guess at what sort of nickname this kid is going to "earn" this school year!

1 comment:

Brent Frankenhoff said...

Poor kid. Hope he feels better. In eighth grade shop class, I sliced my thumbnail with a crosscut saw and, even though the sight of blood doesn't normally bother me, I had been standing up too long so was already woozy and down I went. (No, I wasn't spurting blood all over, just had a deep cut through the top of the nail.)

Shop teacher carried me to the office where I had my thumb wrapped up and I was sent home for the rest of the day. My best friend still gives me grief about that one.