Thursday, December 30, 2010

Having Resolve

I seriously need to get back to work. I have found myself -- on more than one occasion in the past 2 weeks -- suddenly on the couch 20 minutes into some show on the Game Show Network.

It is a major time waster. But it is awesome! I can see the old Match Game shows, filled with entertaining innuendo and cigarette smoke, and newer shows that keep my brain tuned.

Carter and I have watched several episodes of a word game called Chain Reaction (I think) where contestants get the first letter of a word and see how it transforms into another word by changing one letter in each of the 3 words in between. For example, card to care to mare to mart to mark. (They're not this easy.) It definitely keeps my mind in gear so it doesn't turn to mush.

In real-life Chain Reaction, today's words would get from resolve to dissolve. I realize they don't have the same number of letters, but it's my blog so I can change the rules.

The resolve part is that I woke up and resolved to call my chiropractor and get in today for a back spasm/pain that has been bothering me on and off for 10 days. I should resolve not to shovel again but that's not gonna happen.

I also resolved that since it was perfect running weather -- temps in the high 30s -- I had to get out there. The weird thing is that my back has bothered me mainly when I am trying to sleep. Today I ran 4 miles and it didn't bother me for a second. I am really wired wrong, aren't I?

The dissolve part was, you guessed it, the snow. With mild temperatures yesterday, today and tomorrow, the white stuff is dissolving before our eyes. I love it! What a great way to end the year. Of course, it's going to be nasty by New Year's Day, but let's hold onto the short-term spring weather and enjoy it!

Speaking of New Year's, it crossed my mind today that time is running out if we resolved to do anything in 2010, or in this decade for that matter. I feel good that I worked hard, I played occasionally, I lost some weight, I found some more blessings to be thankful for... I did not, however, follow up on my resolution to get a firm start on my book. I still have 26 hours until the year officially ends. Can I do it?

I think I'll wear my editor's hat for a minute and give myself my first extension. After thinking about my resolve (or lack of it) a lot today, I am anxious to sit down at my keyboard and start pecking away!

I've got some inspired direction on how to transform nothing into novel. Again, they don't have the same number of letters. But again, it's still my blog, my rules!

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