Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger Down!

Whew! I survived that past 48 hours without you!

And this wasn't your ordinary kidnapping either. I was held hostage by a technology I had no control over. In other words, the main website that hosts my blog -- and a million others -- was down due to some technical difficulties that I think lasted about 24 hours longer than they anticipated.

It was tough not to blog last night. I sat down at the computer with the most inspirational thoughts at the tips of my fingers, but alas, they had nowhere to go. Oh sure, I could have typed them up and saved them. But then the Schwan's man rang the doorbell and all thoughts (but one) went out the window....

A few things to report:

Yesterday was the warmest day of the year! Sunny and 70s! Awesome! I went for a run over lunch hour. Took a new route so I could get 4 miles in. This one goes near a lake, sort of. Close enough that for the first time in my "fabled" running career I was the hare instead of the tortoise! And I was grateful I could outrun that ferocious turtle. He was huge. I suspected he might have been a snapping turtle but I didn't hang around to find out. As far as I know, he's across that road by now but he did not beat me to the finish line.

In the late afternoon and evening we were hit with sporadic wicked storms. Carter still managed to get through his school baseball practice then tryouts later for the Rapids Rage 12-and-under tournament team (They take your age as of April 30 so even though he turned 13 the next day, he tried out for the 12U team). Hopefully we'll know in a few days how he did!

This morning, it being Friday the 13th and all, Carter overslept and I expected we might be in for an unlucky day. But that was it. He got to the bus on time, we went to work and the rain held off for a double-header baseball game over in Auburndale.

It was still very windy and cold (especially after yesterday's heat wave), but the kids played well. I was sitting with cold purple toes since my shoes and socks got wet in the super-soggy grass. But hey, it's not about me and my comfort.

We won the first game and then the second game looked like it was going Auburndale's way. But in the last inning, down 7-2, our boys rallied big time with 6 runs to win 8-7! Whoo-hoo! How exciting! It almost made us forget we were cold!

I vowed I would not need ice cream for 24 hours and just wanted to get home to turn my blanket on. But then we stopped at Chip's hamburger joint on the way home and would you believe they have mint shakes there? All year round? Not just St. Patty's Day? Well I was still cold but really, how could I pass that up?

I was almost relieved it didn't taste as good as McDonald's. Otherwise I'd be finding excuses to get over to the west side of town. We don't need that.

The last thing I need is to have my readers fear that the next time my blog goes missing it's because I've fallen off the wagon. And landed in a deep-freeze somewhere... surrounded by gallon containers and a big scoop...

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