Thursday, May 19, 2011

sMiles Per Hour

It dawned on me today that it was exactly 8 years ago when I waved goodbye to the daily grind of newspaper land and embarked on my first 45-mile commute to Iola.

Now, some 200,000 miles later, I'm wondering where the time went... How we managed to go through an entire car (a gas-friendly Honda, no less)... How many learning opportunities (read: changes) I've experienced on the job... How many wonderful people have touched my life... and How empty my life would be without them.

I'm also wondering how we managed to stay in Rapids for the boys -- first the big boys, now Carter -- and not move any closer, especially the first time (a few years ago) gas was up to 4 bucks a gallon. Now it's gone up to that critical level again and we are staying put.

You might think it's because we have the coolest neighbors on the planet... or that our jobs are so great, any mileage is worth it.

That may all be true, but I'll let you in on a little secret...

There's this really cute guy in my carpool... And I wouldn't want to do anything to short-change my 2 hours a day with that one!

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