Thursday, May 5, 2011


Ever notice that over time, things change?

You know you've been seeing your chiropractor too long when he gives you a flower for Mother's Day...

Dr. Tom and I figured it out this morning, and I've been seeing him off and on for 12 years. Even after I said, "And you still haven't fixed me yet?!" he gave me a pink carnation. Technically, I've seen him more in those 12 years than any family member! And we've vicariously watched each other's kids grow up. So I guess we are close. Plus he's a Twins and Vikings fan.

Maybe next time I should be giving him flowers! Father's Day is just around the corner...

Over time, things change.

You know you're getting old when you prefer a siesta over a fiesta on Cinco de Mayo...

I don't know what it is about Americans putting their heart and soul into holidays that have absolutely no connection to us. But there is never a shortage of green beer on St. Patty's Day and I suspect margaritas and mucho cervezas will be flowing tonight. Personally, if I were to adopt any part of the Mexican culture, it would be their daily nap time. Gotta love a schedule with a built-in siesta. Yup, a power nap right around 2:30 p.m. would suit me just fine...

Over time, things change.

You know you're going senile when you can't remember anything unless it's written on the calendar...

With all these rain-outs and snow-outs for baseball, our calendar is a complete mess and I really don't know what's going on from one day to the next. Tonight I finally was home to make supper and had the spaghetti and fixings all ready when Jim and Carter got home from baseball practice. But they had an extra kid with them and their plan did not involve my perfectly formed meatballs I labored so hard ... to get out of the bag.

That didn't stop me from eating my supper while they swung their bats outside. I was nice and kept all the food warm for them and kept their milk cold in the freezer. (I spoil them.) That was when I stumbled upon something else I forgot. I still had my leftover Mini Cadbury Egg ice cream from Belt's in the freezer! I guess being senile has its perks.

Over time, things change.

But it's not all bad!

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