Friday, May 27, 2011

Gateway to Summer

Hello, Weekend. You have been a longtime coming! Not just because you are just any old weekend, but this one is considered the "official" beginning of summer. So let's get it started!

I know lots of peoplewho are traveling or camping or jamming their 3-days' schedule with activities. Knowing this is our last "free" weekend until August, we are not going to do that. And we (certainly not me) are not going to feel guilty about any lack of productivity!

Today was a great start -- to the weekend, not the slacking part.

This was Carter's last Friday of school so his summer vacation is right around the corner. Hubby enjoyed some beautiful sunny weather playing golf with a friend in Green Bay. I had a crazy busy day at work but didn't mind because "Summer Hours" started today -- that's that great perk of a 3 p.m. "dismissal" on Fridays from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day.

It really is an appreciated bonus. It's nice for people traveling who want to hit the road early. It'll be great for our baseball tournaments that start Friday evenings in various cities in Wisconsin. And it's awesome to get home early and get my Saturday chores done on Friday night. OK, I probably won't keep that up too long, but it was nice tonight to get some things done so I can sleep in tomorrow and ease into day 1 of the 3-day weekend.

Carter and I had also talked about hitting some garage sales tomorrow but we'll see how that goes. Found out this evening my next-door neighbor is having one this weekend. I loaned her some tables in exchange for "renting space" and selling some of my books and Carter clothes left over from my spring sale with the babysitter. It was already organized and marked so I figured it was worth a shot.

Carter also is putting his old "too small" bike on there since he got a new one for his birthday. Right away he says, "I get the money for it!" I asked the neighbor if she figured I could get 10 bucks for it. When she said I mostly likely could, Carter says, "Put $12 on it!" He's a wheeler dealer already! (And we ended up putting $15 on it, but said we'd take $10.)

Hopefully, if he's still so profit minded, I can get him on another can-gathering walk this weekend. I saw some cans in the ditch on my new running route. Probably only 8 cents' worth, but every penny counts, right?

I just hope it's nice enough to get outside. Between rain showers and cool temps, it doesn't look too promising until Monday, but we'll make the best of it.

We better. I promised my deck chair some serious quality time!

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