Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rain Check

It's hard to believe I am looking out the window at a pretty pink and blue sunset sky now when it's been raining for some 12 hours. Love how it stops just in time for the moon to show up, but not in time for any sporting events in our area anyway.

Part of me is not terribly bummed about having Carter's "40-some degrees out and 7:30 p.m. on a school night" game called off. I think you know why. But now we have no ball park action until next Tuesday night! What will we do with ourselves?

Probably become couch potatoes like we did this evening!

Tonight I got some groceries while hubby did a load of laundry and we both got to watch the season finale of a mutually favorite show, Modern Family. Laugh-out-loud funny as always!

Now I'm going to catch the finale of the season finale of American Idol. Don't hate me for jumping in at week 24 or whatever. I actually did see parts of about 3 or 4 episodes. I've heard the finalist Scotty sing before, but this was the first I heard Lauren, the other finalist sing. They are both talented. I think it doesn't really matter who wins. They both will go someplace in the entertainment biz.

They'll never be as famous as Oprah, though!

I know today was her last episode of her talk show. My work schedule has not allowed me to watch her much at all in the past 10 years or so. But I catch highlights once in awhile and know she's still trying to do some good and change lives. My only regret is not finishing my book in time to make it on her "Oprah's Book Club" list!

Meh. Who needs her?

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