Thursday, May 26, 2011

Slacking Off

It's that time of year when the last day of school is within sight and just about every student is gradually slacking off.... and closing their eyes, wishing it was here already. We have one of them living under our roof.

Carter is getting so anxious. I can't blame him. Most nights he's busy with baseball and doesn't want to be "bothered" with homework. (Will that last book ever get read, I wonder?) Plus, there's the fact the days are longer and it's "too light out" to go to bed.

I can almost feel sorry for him, but I don't.

I am completely jealous, though. Of him and Daddy.

Yup, hubby is taking off starting tomorrow and all next week. He's not really going anywhere, other than the golf course, but that's just what worked into his schedule. Unfortunately, it doesn't work into mine. We may work at the same place but we are in 2 completely different departments and have 2 completely different deadline schedules. Once in awhile we get a day or 2 off together if it coincides with some event or plans. But that's not going to work this time.

And yes, I am completely jealous if him!

At least we all get Monday off for Memorial Day.

I do hope Jim enjoys his time off and that Carter can suffer through these last 3 1/2 days of school OK. (He's done next Thursday at noon.) My hope is that I will have an ultra-productive 3 days at work next week and join those slackers on Friday.

Just like the school kids, I'm gonna close my eyes and wish it...

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