Monday, May 9, 2011

The Day After

The day after Mother's "weekend" is a downer.

Had to make my own breakfast. Had to go to work and do my own job. Then had to watch the rain fall all afternoon, thus canceling baseball, thus canceling my first opportunity to use my new GPS. Phooey.

The only upside was that I no longer had a scheduling conflict with my church book study on The Shack. So I got to hang out at the coffee house for 90 minutes, sharing time with people who, just like me, happen to love reading and God.

It was a great discussion and I feel lucky my friend Christine is doing this with me. She's a reader, too, and we swap books all the time. We both read at least 2 books a week and, frankly, I'm surprised neither one of us has thought about a book club -- I mean starting one!

See, you give a mom some free time on the weekend and she starts thinking of ways to fill it.

It's nice to have a free evening, too, but I would hope Mother Nature would just get over herself and not give us rainy days all the time. It's hard to keep up a winning streak when we're not playing, lady.

Perhaps she's in a bad mood because she didn't have as nice a Mother's Day as me.

But then, how could she?

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