Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Stuck in Park

I don't know which is more disturbing -- the fact that I am sitting in the church parking lot stealing free wireless from some unsecure network in the neighborhood, or the fact I just offered to take my pastor golfing in Iola this summer when I know that it is physically impossible for me not to golf without cursing.

Hmm. I suppose if I was something other than Lutheran, I'd figure I was going to Hell for either one of the two -- or both. Instead, I'll just write an inspiring blog while I'm sitting here and that oughta make up for it.


Seriously, I have an hour to kill and I already gassed up the car and picked up a loaf of bread. I must keep typing or my mind (and perhaps my legs or even the car) will wander over to Dairy Queen 2 blocks away. We can't have that.

I gotta hold out for the good stuff at King Cone.

What? You thought you were witnessing a rare display of willpower? Sorry to disappoint.

But I do need to get back on that King Cone Diet to lose some weight before swimsuit season. I seriously don't know how it worked, but I managed to have my ice cream and eat it too -- and lost weight last summer and fall. Suddenly, with months of "closed for winter" signs in my head, I find myself back in Fluff Land and I need to do something. My body is stuck in Park and it needs to get in gear.

All dairy talk aside, it feels good to have nice enough weather so I can run outside and get back into logging some miles each week. Today, on my "off' day, I went to the fitness center to do strength training. I need to cross-train, as they call it, so my whole body can somehow get in shape and somehow, 4 months from now, survive a half-marathon!

Well, I had to let the cat out of the bag sometime! Now that I said it, I will have to do it! I seriously am excited about it and already registered for it. At first this was just going to be an adventure for a friend of mine from church and me. Now, there are a handful of ladies from work doing it, too. Total support network every where. Look out, Fox Cities!

While I am pretty sure my body couldn't handle 13.1 miles right now, I'll get there gradually. I'll just keep thinking my Tortoise and Hare mantra -- you go slow, you go far.

Plus, the extra training coupled with the King Cone Diet will get me in smashing shape in no time! Stay tuned will I shift into gear!

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