Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Glee -- Live!

I was a little hesitant to go to the Assumption Spring Choir Concert tonight because one, I knew the only reason Carter wanted to go was to either watch or sit by girls, and two, there was a new episode of Glee on tonight.

The part of me that still wanted to hold onto that "Best Mom" title one more day won out.

And I'm so glad we went.

Besides seeing some friends, the concert was tailored for a gal like me. Three '80s songs -- including Toto's Africa (not kidding) -- and the show choir performing Journey's Don't Stop Believing with all the music and moves totally ripped off of Glee.

But I didn't mind a bit. It was like seeing a live version of Glee. (But since I did miss the real episode, no spoilers about who got to be prom king and queen until I can watch it in the morning!)

So while Carter enjoyed himself with his gaggle of girls, I had a good time and, as usual, recalled my own concert choir days in junior high and high school -- especially when we did some off the wall songs that garnered laughs and applause.

Maybe show choir is making a bit of a resurgance thanks to Mr. Schuster, Rachel, Finn and the gang. I for one enjoy the occasional wicked night of Glee karaoke on the Wii. (Oops, did I type that?!)

Keep the music alive!

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