Tuesday, May 24, 2011

That's Entertainment

There are lots of little things we do to escape the stressors in our lives. Sometimes it's as simple as squeezing a stress ball at your desk or yelling "Serenity now!" Other times it works best to remove ourselves ... and get away somewhere for a little entertainment. It doesn't have to be far. It can be a ballpark or even the couch.

Today I went to both. Not that I need any stress relief with this perfect life of mine!

Since we had to pick Carter up in town after a late afternoon dentist appointment, we decided to stop at the ballpark and take in an Assumption Girls Softball game. Sometimes we just need to watch girls play. Plus we are personal fans of one of the girls on the team.

It was a great game. Despite some close calls, they pulled out a win. Fun stuff!

My other stress escape was an easy one.

Tonight, I reserved the couch from 8-9 p.m. -- hung up the proverbial "Do Not Disturb" sign -- and watched the season finale of Glee. Yes, it was good. But I was expecting more of an emotional roller coaster. Tears are a great way to pour out stress, you know! Still, it was great to sit and watch and be entertained for an hour. I only had to hang up on one person who dared disturb me, but I called him right back as soon as Glee was done.

Now I'll have to find another escape until my show resumes in the fall. I guess I can watch reruns all summer.

Or, for a more immediate taste of serenity, check the freezer to see what the Schwan's man left.

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