Tuesday, May 3, 2011

On the Bright Side

After watching the snow fall all day outside my window at work (I wish I was kidding), I figured we were in for a crappy day. But we shouldn't let Mother Nature define our day, should we?

Just in time for Carter's baseball game, the snow stopped (not that it ever "stuck" during the day) and the sun came out. That was a good omen...

After some previous walks and strikeouts, Carter had his first real HIT of the baseball season. He also made an out catching a fly ball in right. And Assumption Middle School chalked up their first win! Yay!

Since just about half of the players are also band members, there was a quick transition from the baseball field to the Performing Arts Center for their evening concert. Some of the guys changed in cars on the way over. We were fortunate Jim's parents live close by the field we played at, so we stopped there and had a quick bowl of homemade soup and Carter changed.

It was a very nice Spring Band Concert, held at the huge Performing Arts Center to give kids some real "stage" experience!

Here Carter plays a few numbers with the Jazz Band. His band instructor recruited him about a month ago. She said she needed his "low brass" and she was confident he could learn the music quickly and do well. And he did. When there are only a handful of people playing, you have to be spot on. And we was. (Very proud mom moment!)

The whole Middle School Band played 3 songs and later the middle schoolers got to join with the High School Band for one song. Nicely done.

Of course, the highlight for me was an '80s music montage by the high schoolers. I don't think it was universally appreciated as much as it should have been! But that's just my opinion. And it certainly didn't steal the spotlight from my teenager.

Even if I was the only one who noticed him!

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