Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rookie Mistake

For those of us not on vacation, this week is a scheduling nightmare. Work during the day, baseball every night plus some extra curricular events like dentist visits and meetings. And here I was looking forward to a "short" week!

This afternoon, Carter and I both had dentist appointments and each had some work done. So we get home with our numb mouths and faces just in time for supper. We couldn't really delay since Carter had a 7:30 game tonight.

This week they are doing regular league games and some tournament games. So he plays a regular game Wednesday night but tournament games Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. A point of information here. I knew he had 5 games on the schedule. I just hadn't seen the schedule and did not know the times and locations. I didn't even know if we were the "home" team or what. I asked Coach Austin last night if he had to have someone work concessions for each of those tourney games. He said probably, yes. So I thought I'd be nice and volunteer to take that first game (tonight). You know what they say about good intentions... they can come back to bite you in the ass. Or something.


After supper, Jim says we should probably drive separately in case he has to stay late to close concessions and I can take Carter home since it's a school night and all that. They take off a few minutes before me, I grab my purse and head out.

Since Mead Field is located on the other side of Rapids, I was a bit worried about getting to my shift on time because I had to stop for gas. No worries, I was there in time to relieve some other mom just in time.

I start selling concessions and was keeping plenty busy. I saw the teams warming up but didn't pay any more attention to it until the game was going to start. That's when I noticed the red team was not our Reds team, but the Cardinals. What the heck? Where is my team?

There's no one else playing at the other field so I call up the other member of the Coaches' Wives Club and ask: "Where the heck's the game?" She was thinking I'm calling from the concession stand wondering why our game hadn't started yet. So she says, "I know. They're still playing softball." I say, "No, I mean where the heck are we playing??" Oh, "Kellner," she says.

For those who don't know Rapids. Mead is 20 minutes away from home. Kellner is less than 5. Grrrrr.

I was completely embarrassed, humiliated and pissed off -- at hubby and me. He didn't hang up a schedule anywhere at home. And I didn't look for it. I assumed and you definitely know what happens then!

Total rookie mistake a veteran baseball mom like me shouldn't make. But it gave plenty of people a good laugh. (I haven't found the humor yet.) And, of course, it gave me something to blog about. Well past my bedtime.

By the way, the Reds (the real ones) did win the very late game 13-9. Good thing someone's paying attention!

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