Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 Predictions & Resolutions

Sorry I've been so busy trying to stay upright that I haven't taken time to do any creative writing this year or address the New Year or make resolutions or predictions. So despite the fact that I am still not close to 100%, I am going to try to engage the brain here with some predictions and resolutions...

Health: I predict I will feel like my old self by next week at this time. (Please, please, please!) I resolve that I will focus on my health and keep those great numbers (cholesterol, etc.) where they are and the not-so-great numbers (weight) closer to where they should be.

Running: I predict I will be slowing down this year. Can I get any slower? I mean races. I think I ended up doing 7 last year plus the half-marathon. No wonder I am beat! I resolve to have some fun with exercise (Wii Zumba!) and do more cross-training to strengthen my back, my hip and my resolve.

Attitude: I predict Daddy and I will be dealing with a full-blown teen attitude in the house. It is starting already and there's nothing we can do to stop it, is there? I resolve to practice patience ... and when I don't have it, fake it until I find it.

Family: I predict there will be some drama as 8 kids plan an 80th birthday party for our mother this Spring. I resolve to be a help, not a hindrance... and refer to the previous item on patience.

Scrapbooking: I predict I will be caught up with my chronological family albums in a month (oh yeah!). I resolve to make headway on Carter's grade school and middle school books before he starts high school in the fall!

High School?!?: I predict I will not be able to handle the fact my baby will be in 9th grade!! I resolve to try to hold it together -- at least in public.

Writing: I predict I will keep up with my daily blog but earmark more time to other writing. And you know what I'm talking about. I resolve to pick one of my 5 different "first chapters" and see it through.

Faith: I predict this first roller coaster ride of the year won't be our last. I resolve to be grateful for what I do have -- a loving God, a solid marriage, wonderfully supportive family and friends, and my health. And remember to count those blessings.

Happy New Year!

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