Monday, January 23, 2012

Travel Advisory

When the weatherman says the roads are slick after snow fell on top of ice overnight, you don't have to tell me twice to stay home. I was not going to venture out on my first solo trip in conditions like that!

I am fortunate I have a job that allows me to work from home as needed and still contribute to getting a magazine out the door as if I am there. I took full advantage of that today and it worked pretty slick (no pun intended).
At one point I noticed the icicles outside my "office" window and I just got lucky enough to catch a drop off one!

I saw these cute little baby ones, too. Notice the snow blowing like crazy in the background.

The snow did stop by early afternoon. I think we got about 4 inches. In retrospect, I should have had hubby give me a refresher on how to operate the snowblower before he left town. But I decided to take on the challenge. These days I really need to prove I can do something!

I discovered running the snowblower really is like riding a bicycle -- only you don't get those pesky black gnats in your teeth. So that's a bonus I guess. I managed to get it done on my "lunch break" -- so I could really chalk this up as a productive day!

Tonight Carter had a basketball game in town at the Lutheran school. Normally, we dominate but this time it was a different story. I have to give Carter credit for being aggressive. He got 4 fouls! I think it would have been funny to call Jim and tell him his son fouled out and he missed it. But they took him out of the game before that happened.

He did take a few shots tonight but nothing went in. I told him, if you're gonna get fouls, you better make more points than fouls. Easy to say that from the bleachers! I guess it worked out in the end. We won by ONE point! 39-38.

The only negative was my drive to and from the game. Just too stressful for me. I still feel a little shook up and very much the loser for not being able to handle this. I am counting the hours to my Thursday appointment when I can hopefully put this all this anxiety B.S. behind me.

Would really like to get the Happy New Year started. I should have snuck inside Jim's suitcase after all!

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