Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rest and Fluids

When the doctor recommended I lay low this weekend and get plenty of rest and fluids, I was wondering if this was code for "drink heavily and watch chick flicks." You never know.

Well, actually I do know. And don't worry, I went light on the fluids (water and some caffeine) but heavy on the chick flicks.

It was a weird day to be by myself. I really, really hate missing any of Carter's events -- sports or otherwise. But hubby kept me posted, texting me scores throughout the day so I could cheer from the couch. I kept saying, "Somebody better be taking pictures for me!"

It seriously was exciting. Each time he texted, it was another win. I couldn't believe it. They haven't played that way all year. So at 3-0, they actually played for the championship at the end of the day... defeating (yes!) tournament host Antigo by 2 points. Whoo-hoo!

How exciting. I wish I could have been there but it was a good call to stay home. I didn't sleep well last night so I woke up feeling "blah" again. Would not have done well in a warm gymnasium all day. In fact I even pooh-poohed my big plans to be daring and drive to the bank this morning. Was not quite ready so had the next-door neighbor escort me.

After I got home, I did some housework, even faced my fear and took on that Dyson again. No stairs this time. In between watching Dirty Dancing, The Sweetest Thing and Pretty in Pink, I downloaded all the pictures off my camera, uploaded them to Walgreens and ordered prints. That was a big accomplishment for me. Now I will be all set for some upcoming scrapbooking weekends -- if I feel well enough to go.

And I think I will. I heard from a friend of mine whose son went through this same "virus" in December. Same symptoms, same tests (EKG and the works) and same results. His took about 2 weeks to run its course, so I feel encouraged I am halfway there at least!

I better be. There's plenty more to do around this house. Not to mention some great basketball games to watch.

Preferably in person.

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