Monday, January 2, 2012

Do Over

Stop me if you've heard this before (or read it)... the Austins need a do over on 2012. Seriously.

I can't make this stuff up -- though it could make some entertaining fiction. I can say that now that no one was killed, seriously injured or hospitalized today.

I guess we can blame Carter. He started the drama at 6:39 a.m. when he burst into our room, turned the bright light on in my face and declared in a quite panicked voice that he overslept. Well, oversleeping for him does not have to be a front-burner crisis. But it always is.

He took his shower last night. Slept in the Badger shirt he was going to wear to school so really had 25 minutes to eat 2 Pop Tarts, put on pants, socks and shoes, and shove in his contacts. He did all that with at least 2.5 minutes to spare.

I think. Hubby and I rolled over went back to sleep. Yep, Jim is still on the mend from the flu. Feeling slightly better -- he can sit up to watch TV -- but nowhere near being in the clear yet. He was supposed to be able to just sit and relax today. And he did that until about 1:30 p.m. when he got a call from his wife saying, "Don't be alarmed. I'm in the Emergency Room."

Seriously, don't be alarmed. It's just more unscripted drama making for one helluva crappy scrapbook for 2012.

I went into town to run a few errands. About halfway into town I wasn't feeling too good. It was that feeling I started getting during those 2 recent "episodes" at church. I tried to talk myself into being fine. Even though it was only 12 degrees out, I cranked open the window to get some cold air to snap it out of me. It worked.

Or so I thought. Just when I was going down the hill by the hospital (thank God), I got hot and started to see spots. I pushed the window "down" button and practically screamed that last few hundred yards to the stoplight so I would stay "awake." I turned at the corner and right into the ER parking lot. By the grace of God, I parked it safely and was OK.

But scared out of my wits. I sat there thinking I was probably going to be fine in a few minutes (as usual). But then good sense overruled for a change. And I thought, "As long as I'm here, I might as well go in." I carefully made my way into ER and didn't pass out but needed to sit right away. I hated to call my sick honey but you know how we women get in emergencies -- we tend to cry and need a hug. And doctors aren't always accommodating.

Long story (already) short. I was there 3-4 hours. They had me hooked up to a heart monitor the whole time, took a chest X-ray and an EKG (lots of wires but painless). I'm normal. Well, normal on some levels. They don't know why I just about loss consciousness 3 times in the last 10 days, but said it could be dozens of reasons -- every from the flu (noted) to hot flashes (though I didn't know we women take our lives -- and other's -- into our hands when we hit menopause). The doctor said I was pretty young for that to be happening anyway.

Since they couldn't do any more for me, they sent me home with a pamphlet listing the dozens of reasons a person can faint. I rode home with Jim. I didn't feel too confident about driving just yet.

I'm actually just anxious to get back to work tomorrow and put all the New Year's drama behind me. Please. No more fainting. No more back pain. No more flying Dysons.

Just give me my everyday stress. This vacation has been hazardous to my health!

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