Monday, January 16, 2012

Day Out

I was reminded today of that Little Golden Book entitled "Baby's Day Out" because it felt like "Robyn's Day Out." A special day highlighting how much I could see and do ... and stay upright.

(Spoiler alert: I did.)

Hubby and I had the day off for the MLK Holiday. My first order of business was a visit to the chiropractor. I decided to try and drive there (about 13-15 minutes) and see if I could handle it without getting anxious. I made it 5 minutes and then had Jim take over. Am just not ready yet.

The chiropractor visit went long because we did some X-rays to make sure things at least looked OK with my upper back and hips. The X-rays looked good. And were quite entertaining. While my doc made sure I didn't have any metal on -- like the drawstring of my sweats -- we forgot about my bra. Here my X-ray has too lovely underwires showing! Ha. I couldn't stop laughing.

After that, our "day out" continued with a trip to Wal-Mart. This was my second attempt to shop there this year. This one went much better -- mainly thanks to the fact we only needed 3 things. And we got them fast. Stayed on our mission and just kept moving. I am trying to outsmart this anxiety!

That didn't work all day, unfortunately.

Carter had a basketball game up in Marshfield. It was my first return to the gym. I think I might have been OK but Carter came up to me before the first tip-off and said, "Mom, I feel like I have to throw up." Oh good grief! Can our family have one normal day in 2012??

So Carter spent the game out in the car, laying down in the back seat while I checked on him -- and was grateful to have a reason to leave the gymnasium a few times. 'Cause I wasn't having an easy time of it. But we had to stay because Jim was doing the scorebook and we were giving a teammate a ride home.

We got through it. And, at the end of the day, this baby-stepping mom survived her day out. Here's hoping it gets a little easier each time.

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