Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Earlier in the day, I figured the toughest thing I'd have to survive was the drive -- by myself -- to and from work. While that was a 100-mile challenge I'd prefer not to repeat, the biggest test came later.

High school orientation.

Who? What? Huh?

Yup, there was a meeting for upcoming 9th-graders and their parents at the school tonight. Yup, that's us. Uff da.

I sat there half listening, half wondering where the time went. I'm looking at his class requirements for the next 4 years and can't get past the number 4. What? Only 4 years left with my baby?? Oh boy. And I thought driving was stressful these days!

As a side note, I did drive into town for the meeting since Jim wasn't back from his trip yet. At one point halfway through, I glanced at the back of the room and saw my knight in shining armour, back early from this trip, with a slight sunburn on this face. My hero. And my ride home since his travel companion dropped him off at the school. Yay.

Carter had basketball practice and is getting a ride home with the neighbors so Jim and I could come home. And unpack.

Oh, and look at Carter's schedule.

Since he has high school-level Math and German this year, and part-time computer apps, he will earn 2.75 of his required 26 credits by the end of this school year already. That's cool. Looks like he'll keep taking Math for infinity. For his prospective career, he put down math teacher or architect. I've seen his "optical illusions." I don't think I'd want to live in a house like that.

Then again, to Carter, that might seem more normal.

Ahhhh, we'll survive. Right?

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