Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Clocking Out

The summer my twin and I were born, my oldest sister turned 17 and began her senior year of high school. There are 5 other siblings between us. Thus, the age gap that technically makes her old enough to be my mother.

Not to rub it in.

I will openly state I was not jealous of her when she turned 40 way before me, then 50 way before I will and even 60. But today, I am jealous.

She shut off her alarm clock this morning for the last time. She clocked out of work tonight and is now a retiree like her husband.


Actually, I can't really say "lucky," since she had hoped to retire a few years ago. But then the economy tanked and set all of our retirement savings plans back a few steps. And by steps, I mean years.

But now, starting tomorrow, she is free to travel about the country and beyond. She is quite the road warrior and I am sure had her eye on a road sign like the one pictured for quite some time! Their first adventure will be a trip to Hawaii. Then she'll only have one state she hasn't been in -- West Virginia. Yup, she's a gypsy. And I wish her well as she follows her dreams.

Not to steal her thunder, but I had some of my own traveling excitement today.

One of the main roads that gets me to and from work has been under construction since early June. So yes, I have been detoured for four months via Stevens Point, which doubles my "stop and go" lights and slows me down.

Now, County B is like a whole new road -- and it gets me to work and home quicker -- by 5 whole minutes.

I know. Not as exciting as a retirement cake and party and trip to the islands, but I've got to start small. If I follow my sister's schedule, I have at least 17 more years to build up to that big moment.

Who knows - by then they might have built another King Cone on my route. We all have our dreams.

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