Friday, October 11, 2013

The Alphabet Song

I'm not a fan of talk radio in the morning. I need music to get me going!

When hubby was driving us to work, I'd just read a book while he listened to "Bob & Tom." I could still hear it and chuckle once in awhile, but for the most part, I was into my book.

Typically, our family rule is that whoever is driving gets to be in charge of the radio. Now that I am on this lonely commute on my own, that means ME. I get to choose the station and crank the tunes. Bring it!

What I quickly discovered, though, is that no matter what station I click on -- even the one that boasts "fewer commercials" -- there is still too much talking and not enough songs for me to belt out like I know them. I need more tunes to liven up my morning drive!

So I decided to dust off my eclectic CD collection and go through that. (You remember what CDs are, don't you?)

I started yesterday with Tegan & Sara, but my OCD quickly kicked in and I knew I'd have to start back at letter "A" and do these in alphabetical order. (They are organized in my tower that way anyway.)

I skipped ABBA since I listen to that one often enough. So today's alphabet songs were from Paula Abdul and Bryan Adams. I'm skipping Adele since I just listened to her CD the other night. Resuming Monday, Rockin' Robyn will be spinning some Aerosmith and The Best of Bread.

Told you this is an eclectic collection! Should keep me awake at least.

It's been suggested I listen to audio books as well. Have you tried books on CD? Will it be more of a distraction when I am driving since I will be listening and imaging? Or does it really just help the drive go quicker? I'm curious about that -- and will happily take book suggestions.

The music, on the other hand, is not open for negotiation. As long as I have the wheel, you'll learn to love the '80s -- or walk!

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