Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday Snippets

Overtired Teen: Ended up going to 8 o'clock church on my own this morning. I could not get Carter up and I knew it was just going to make me late if I kept trying. I finally relented because I know he needs rest. He's been up late for homework every night then up early for school. Don't know how he functions on such little sleep. I know I can't!

Foreign Favorite: Apparently my Vikings can't win on American soil. We still have only one victory this season and that was overseas during a special game in England. Today's contest was not televised here but I am sure it had its moving moments when they showed or talked about Adrian Peterson losing one of his sons in a horrific child abuse case. Beyond sad.

Last Laundry: Since we haven't been home much that past several days, today was laundry day. After the third load was done, however, the dryer refused to turn on. Hubby was still at church at the time and I had hoped to fix it before he got home. I must be losing my touch. Couldn't fix his computer last week and now this. I had to dry socks out on the front deck since I do not have a clothes line. When I talked to my mom tonight I assured her I ended up using the neighbor's dryer a few minutes and did not resort to drying the socks in the oven overnight. I can't really make fun of her since it did work! We may resort to that yet -- depending what the repair man says tomorrow.

Still Shuffling: Carter and I are still in the midst of our room shuffle. We have most of the stuff out of each other's "new" rooms but much of the contents are in the basement "waiting room," waiting for their to be room to fit in one of our rooms. I was working on that most of the day. While it doesn't look like I have anything to show for it yet, I feel like I got a lot accomplished. Now if I can just start to figure out what I have to pack for scrapping this next weekend!

Osmosis: We are still experiencing Sunday nights with the "time to start homework" routine. Although Carter did do some when we were at the wedding yesterday, he had plenty more left. When he was done with the other classes, he had to do some reading on mythology. He said he was going to work on that later so he could go to sleep with it on his mind and it would be easier to remember tomorrow. You think? Not so sure about that one but I would love for him to prove me wrong.

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