Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Homecoming Scrapbook

Finally some photos from the Pep Rally, Game and Homecoming Pre-Dance Extravaganza...

Pep Rally... Cross Country team is introduced and Carter knows I am trying to take a picture. I do not exaggerate about this, do I??

He and cross country teammate Seamus share a laugh about something it's best I know nothing about.

I already shared a picture of the bonfire on Friday night but when I uploaded this one today it reminded me of some big rock concert where everyone is taking pictures with their phones. If you look closely, the two in front have pretty decent pictures of the burning "A"!

Game Day... Pep Band plays in the mist to get the crowd excited.

At least when Carter is reading his music, he can't hide his face behind the horn. Score one for Scrapbooking Mom!

Pregame huddle: Let's go, Royals!

Halftime Show.... The "Love" theme included plenty of moving and grooving to "The Power of Love."

They put their instruments down to get the crowd into "I Love Rock 'n' Roll"!

Carter and his buddy Olivia did a pretty good job!
Really raining by the end of their performance. Here they are forming an "A" and playing the school song. Water droplets on the camera lens so time to put it away.

Pre-Dance Rituals: Emily attempts to put the boutonniere on Carter. Look at that face! Who is loving every minute of this???

They smiled for someone else's camera at least. And in the end, I ended up putting the flower on him -- and poking him in the process... just so he'd remember who's boss! Ha. He gave her a wrist corsage and put it on but was already tired of me taking pictures. But wait, Carter, we're just getting started!

The dinner party, from top stairs, Hannah and Tyler, Ellie and Jarret, Emily and Carter, Samantha and Joey.

Girls looking pretty.
Guys looking sophisticated??? Hmm...

Rain stopped for a few minutes only for outside shots. Here the girls are hamming it up.
And the guys looking sharp!

One more group shot before it started sprinkling.

And when I say Carter and Emily are just friends, I believe they are. They do joke around like brother and sister sometimes. Good to know someone else can keep him in line once in awhile!

And that's a wrap. Lighting was too poor in the gymnasium to get decent photos of the Grand March. So you are off the hook for any more play by play of my teenager's life. (He'll probably be relieved, too!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics Byn! Carter looks so handsome and grown up. Where has the time gone??
Your Loving Sister--