Saturday, October 5, 2013

Soggy Spirit

No matter how many times I hit "refresh" on the weather website this morning, the forecast for Homecoming Day was rain, rain, rain.

Carter actually had cross country practice this morning so had to deal with it a bit then. Came home and showered and I dropped him off at the football with his marching band equipment by 11:45 a.m. Since the game didn't start until 1 p.m., I stopped at the florist after that and picked up his boutonniere and the wrist corsage for his date.

Came home and changed into weather-proof clothes and hubby and I went to the game. We were pretty luck it only sprinkled/misted off and on. It was not the steady downpour that is happening as I type this. I wasn't able to get too many decent photographs of the excellent halftime show. Great music and dancing. It chose that moment to rain enough that my camera was getting wet. Didn't want to ruin it.

Our boys ended up losing to Loyal by 18-6 (or something like that). We had some great defensive plays that kept the game close. It was funny that after halftime, the whole student section was practically empty. All the girls had to go get their hair done for the dance tonight! Not a bad idea since by the time we got home from the game, Carter had 90 minutes to get ready. A guy can do that in 9 minutes, for the record.

Four couples were having dinner at one of the girls' houses not far from us. Due to the rain -- and the fact that 3 high schools were having their homecoming dances tonight -- we took some pictures inside the house and a few outside between rain drops. Didn't even venture into the "hot spots" in town since there were dozens and dozens of well-dressed teenagers waiting their turns to take outside photos -- and quickly to stay dry.

I did manage to tie Carter down for one with me before he left...

Dad threatened him that he better be cooperative for scrapbooking Mom today!! Ha.

When we got to the dinner house, my one camera had a dead battery (good planning, scrapbooking Mom!) so I used another plus my phone for a few. I haven't uploaded any except for the one with me and the one with his "real" date, Emily.

They do look nice, don't they? They've been friends for so long, I am sure they will have a great time at the dance tonight.

I did get into town for the Grand March at 7:30 p.m. but it was just too dark to take pictures. I will upload a bunch tomorrow and see what I got between halftime show and pre-dance group photos, etc. Right now I have to watch a good, long movie that will be interesting enough to keep me awake so I can go get him at midnight.

Gotta keep that homecoming spirit alive!

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