Monday, June 2, 2014

David vs. Goliath

Ever have one of those Mondays where you feel like David and Monday is, well, Goliath?

A friend of mine took this recent photo of Carter outsized by a towering first baseman. My sister wisely pointed out, though: "Yes, but who's on first? And who is faster?"

Good point. We may not be able to conquer rough work days like Mondays tend to be, but we sure as heck can find strategic methods to escape them.

Today's method: Chai Time with my BFF.

We met undercover at the library to pick out audio books for the week and exchange some items with each other since we hadn't seen each other since the Assumption Royal Event. I guess I thought that was a month ago but it's merely been an extra long two weeks! We had catching up to do so we headed over to Cravings, the nearby coffee shop.

Good thing we didn't have our grownup "boys" or teenage boys with us. We were too busy chatting to keep an eye on anyone. Love the sign, though. Sort of a hidden message to keep children out, which is quite conducive to adult conversation.

And that felt overdue.

It's always good to defeat a Goliath of a work day with a slingshot, er toast, of chai tea or butterscotchy latte. Naturally, God is always on hand with several weapons. But sometimes girllfriends work, too!

How did you defeat YOUR Goliath today?

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