Monday, June 23, 2014

Warm Fuzzies

If you ever feel like this on a Monday, you are not alone.

This is one of my furry friends from the Wild West. No matter how much you want to hide in a hole when Monday comes around with its alarm clock and pile of work and weekend emails to wade through, you can't help but smile when you think of playful prairie dogs bobbing up and down like a Whack-A-Mole game!

A few the warm fuzzies from the Devil's Tower area...

Did that relieve any stress for you? It sure made me smile but not as big as the pictures I received via email this afternoon.

Our boy Lukas just returned to Germany after a windsurfing vacation in Italy. He appreciated our care package awaiting him at home and had many photos and good tidings to share.

Love that he remembered his American mom loves lighthouses! That made my day! Nice warm fuzzy!

Here's an overall photo of their beach and the windsurfing action. I want to jump right in... right now!

Lukas going to shore after a ride. Glad he finally got to enjoy nice weather after our cold American spring!

We enjoyed summery weather at the ballpark tonight. Had to travel way up to Colby by Abbotsford to play. The good news is we had ice cream before the game...

 Oh and Carter served as catcher for the first time this season. Did Ok...

Oh, and he was hot at bat, going 2 for 3 and scoring 2 of our 6 runs.

The bad news is that the other team scored 11 runs. So we take a loss but had nice weather and good ice cream.

That's worth a final warm fuzzy for the day, right?

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