Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Fiber-lous Funnies

While I try to convince myself otherwise, my hubby is close to the truth when he says my "rabbit food" (aka Fiber One Cereal) tastes somewhere between cardboard and sawdust. Still, I put myself through my daily dose because it is good for me at my old age!

I do try to mix it up with other cereal to give it some taste. But hubby still insists my Kashi variety is no different. I defend it, reading the box that promises that "honey graham vanilla" flavor in each cluster. Mostly to brainwash my taste buds, I suppose.

It must be working since it is always on the grocery list.

Typically, that funny guy I'm married to has a field day with this. He'll yell (OK, speak quite loudly) from one end of the cereal aisle to the other: "Did you need more fiber cereal? They have a bigger box here!" or "How much fiber cereal do you NEED??"

Funny guy.

Tonight I was shopping by myself and I ran into the same problem as the last time I needed my rabbit food fix. The boxes of the "normal" Fiber One (the one with the most grams of fiber per serving) were set way back from the front of the top shelf, out of my reach. That's how popular it is. Just selling right out.

So I did my usual trick of stepping on the bottom shelf and using another box of less fiber-lous cereal to knock down one of the "good ones" so I can reach it. It usually works, but after many unsuccessful tries, I hear a woman behind me ask: "Can I help you with that?"

She was a good few inches taller than me and had no trouble reaching back for my cereal box. "Will that be enough? Because there is another box back there."

OK. I know she meant it innocently, but all I could think of is Jim hollering over to me: "Is one box of high-fiber cereal enough for you today??"

I stifled a giggle and thanked her for her help. And yes, stuck with just the one box... and the box of Kashi crunch to blend in the flavor of sugared sawdust with my cardboard.

M-m-m good! It's fiber-iffic!

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