Saturday, July 19, 2014

To Do or Not To Do, That is the Question...

I probably shouldn't take liberty with Shakespeare, but the revised "To Do or Not To Do" is a genuine puzzler. What should I have done today?

Let's see.... Slept in. Went up to Stevens Point for a softball game, traveled to the Rapids west side for recycling, BBQ rib pickup up at IGA, visit with in-laws and movie store stop. Finally was home to start my day at 3:30.

Nobody avoids housework better than Robyn Austin!

To my credit, I got dishes done (yes, dishwasher) and laundry (no, didn't need to beat it on a rock in the river).  I did get the kitchen cleaned up, including floor mopped and rugs washed. Somewhere during the process of letting the breeze dry the floor via an open door, the cat got out.

Nope, didn't have a clue she was gone until a half hour later, heard hubby getting home and suddenly saw her on the front deck. On the wrong side of the screen! What the heck??

I race out there via the garage and didn't even have to trap her on the deck. She was on her hind legs trying to get in through the screen. Whew. Good thing she didn't hide under the deck like the last time or get lost.

How was I too busy to notice? Well, I rented season one of Orange is the New Black and I guess it captured my attention. This is probably a sign I should do my "To Do" list chores and not sit on my butt watching TV. Maybe.

Since Sylvester wasn't too traumatized from her adventure, hubby and I went into town, grabbed supper from Culver's and sat on lawn chairs at Lake Wazeecha to watch a few minutes of the State Water Ski Show. Literally just a few minutes. It was almost over for the day when we got there. Still, it was nice to have "dinner and a show" with hubby. (Carter was working this tonight.)

Got home, did a little freelance work and, yes, watched another episode of Orange. I am vowing not to let it fill in ALL my To Do items for tomorrow, but a few.

Hey, if I don't schedule time to be a couch potato, it doesn't happen. And since I never get through my "To Do" list, it still may not.

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