Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Si, Senor!

After a long, physical-labor type day setting up things for the car show, there was only thing logical to do... Have a dinner date with hubby.

Since my dear sister-in-law gave us gift certificates to our fave Mexican restaurant in town, I can thank her for a night with my sweet senor!

The last few nights of empty-nestage have not been anything to report. Been too stressed. Tonight it was good to have the distraction and relaxation before the next three even longer days begin. Enjoyed some good food and catching up and making plans.

El Mezcal is the best!

We realized neither one of us heard from Carter today but we saw his schedule was quite packed with his last lecture / activity of the day starting about now. That's good. Keep him busy and on task. We've gotten a few updates from a program coordinator but it will be interesting to hear in Carter's own words what he actually did, learned and retained.

And liked, of course.

I sure missed his help with the heavy lifting at the car show today. He is disappointed he's missing it but wrote down a list of the license plates he still needs for his collection. Only 19 left, he pointed out. Like I will have free time to shop!!

After my spicy dinner date, I am ready for a siesta!

Hasta maƱana!

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