Friday, July 11, 2014

Mind Over (does it really) Matter

I must have had some calming dreams last night. Woke up to hell day #2 and decided it didn't have to be a hell day at all if I didn't let it.

Left the house a little after 6 a.m. and was almost to Iola when the truck in front of me hit a deer that sprang out of the ditch. I saw the poor deer get whirled around in the air and flung to the ditch, where it was trying to move or stand while I was braking. I felt badly for the deer and the driver who pulled over to check for damage, but so glad it wasn't me. I certainly wouldn't want to be late for the car show!

Seriously, I figured right then my day could not be as bad as the driver and his venison victim.

And it wasn't.

Part of it was because I started my caffeine drip early. That ALWAYS helps. Mostly it was because I was prepared for the "disgruntled customers." And they came.

Hundreds again with the same types of comments as yesterday, yet so many were buying what we actually DID have that I didn't care so much anymore. I didn't even scream in my thought bubbles, so no healing ice cream for me today. Darn. Did finish the day at a Wine and Cheese party, though.

Actually it's our event to show appreciation to our advertisers and owners of certain cars at the show. Helped set up food and played bouncer a bit. Did not have to pour wine from a box for an hour like other years, so that got me out of there before 7. Yay.

On the way out to the parking lot, I saw two cars I will put on my wish list. I love lime green and pink either together or, in this case, separate...

You like? I know I do. They just look yummy. That would have to do for my treat today. And after a super busy day, it felt good just to be heading home!

But not to think I was remiss in my former duties of showing the crowd, I did snap a quick picture of an interesting outfit... a camo hat, two bras, argyle socks and combat boots...

Miss my people-watching time. I don't even carry a camera with me – just my phone. But I think you get the picture.

And I just had too many duties to add "fashion police" to my list. Maybe next year...

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